About Us

Who we are?

More importantly: Who is the God we adore?

We are a group of believers from different churches in Prague who come together with a common purpose; to worship and adore our’savior and to intercede for the nations (Mark 11:17).

We began meeting together with this common purpose in 2002. Recently a sizeable donation of land was given to the House of Prayer by a Czech/Australian believer.

Here is what we value:

  • 24 hour a day Worship & Intercession in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David (Acts 15:16-17)
  • City wide unity (Romans 15:5-7)
  • Scripturally Based Intercession & Worship: Utilizing the Old testament scriptures and Psalms, New testament apostolic prayers and hymns of Revelations, etc. The Harp & Bowl model (Rev. 5:8) of worshipping prayer.

What are the results?

  • An encounter God in a personal way that transforms us. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
  • A change in the spiritual atmosphere of the city, opening the heavens for anointed evangelism and community transformation. (Psalm) 133
  • Joy in the House of Prayer (Isaiah 56:7)

What is intercessory worship?

The House of Prayer is a biblical model of the church’s priestly role in ministry to Him as reflected by the primary activity, which is taking place in Heaven (Heb. 8:5 “They’serve at a’sanctuary that is a copy and’shadow of what is in heaven.”) A key verse describing what is happening these days is found in Amos 9:11:

“In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore it’s ruins, and build it as it used to be…”

David’s tabernacle (or dwelling place) can be’studied in detail in the book of I Chronicles. His desire was for the presence of God. He built a special tent to house the Ark of the Covenant and he placed’singers and musicians before the ark to minister to God.

Worship in the heart of the Tabernacle of David can best be described in three ways. First, it is 24-7 or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Lev. 6:13 “The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.”). Second it is “harp and bowl” ministry (Rev. 5:8 “Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”). The harp in this verse refers to God’s songs and God’s music in the heavenly court and the bowl refers to God’s prayers. Third, it is a model of worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father’seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”). Overall, this ministry requires that believers have the priestly identity of Levites, ministers to the Living God.

The church is receiving a revelation of the scripture in Isaiah 56:5-8: “… for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” In the past churches have become houses of good preaching, or of singing or other necessary things, but very little prayer is taking place today. God has always desired that there be unified houses of prayer!

We believe there will be Houses of Prayer springing up in every major city in the world. It is already happening. These are places where the fire of worship and intercession never go out and where churches from all over the city or region come together to worship God together. It is a place where battles are won in the spirit, affecting whole societies for God’s glory. We will begin to realize that our sunday morning services are missionary-services, places where true worshipers reach out to those the Lord brings them. But times of sustained “breakthrough” will come in the House of Prayer, as prophetic prayers and songs cause a change in the atmosphere over a city.

We believe there are many in this generation who were born to be this kind of minister. Maybe this describes the desire in you. Maybe you’ve felt deep in your spirit an unsettling question coming to the surface, repeatedly asking, “Why was I born?” The ministry God has for us so exceeds our qualifications that all we can do is throw up our hands, ask for His mercy and just “Go for it!” in worship.


Why Prague?

Prague is a “gateway” (threshold) city in Europe. This region has a prophetic destiny and we believe this includes birthing a new way of ministering to God in intercessory worship. Prague is the capital of the Czech nation and Bohemia and Moravia have a unique spiritual heritage.

After the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, many, including Comenius, fled the regions, but small groups of persecuted believers referred to as the “hidden seed” remained behind and continued to meet in secret. A young man named Christian David journeyed from Moravia to Silesia (present day Saxony in Germany) looking for work. During a long illness he found “saving faith” while being cared for by a Lutheran pastor. He returned to Moravia many times preaching the message of faith and eventually met Count Nicholas Louis Von Zinzendorf, owner of a large estate in just across the boarder in Germany. Zinzendorf offered to help these persecuted believers find refuge on his land in 1722. Almost immediately they began to build about a mile from the village in the area they named ‘Herrnhut’ or ‘the Lord’s Watch’ (The name is clearly recorded in historical accounts as “the Lord’s Watch”. However the literal translation is “the Lord’s hat” which also could refer to “the Lord’s covering” or “the Lord’s protection”). During the next five years a steady stream of emigrants came from Moravia and Bohemia, some escaping from prison or leaving hiding places in the forests.

As Herrnhut attracted more believers from more diverse backgrounds, many arguments and divisions arose. Seven years later the community was on the verge of destroying itself. Zinzendorf drafted 42 community statutes that regulated most aspects of everyday life. He discovered Comenius’ teachings were very’similar to his ideas. He also discovered a prophesy of a “hidden seed” coming to life in 100 years (Rick Joyner, Three Witnesses [Charlotte, NC: Morningstar, 1997] p. 8-9. Mike Bickle has also taught on this but we have not discovered it to be well documented.). The 100 years had come to pass as the first arrivals came to Herrnhut. Zinzendorf caught Comenius’ vision for resurrecting the Brethren Unitas Fratrum Church (the Church became known in the west as “The Moravians”).

That very year revival began! The unity of the community was restored and as a result they initiated a “prayer watch” of hourly intercession. This 24-7 prayer watch lasted 100 years! In addition to intercession, songs and hymns were a large part of their expression of their faith. The Moravian understanding of the joyous nature of the relationship between the believer and the savior enabled them to develop education and the arts in His praise. As a result, they sponsored schools and produced exceptional musicians and artists. One of the most noted fruits of the Moravian revival was the number of missionaries sent into the most remote parts of the world. In laying foundations for Christian missions (the Moravians inaugurated the modern missions movement), they laid down their lives in vast numbers. This would be an entire article in itself.

Contact us


Franciscan garden
Jungmannovo nám. 753/18, 110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

The entrance is from the Franciscan garden
The nearest public transport stop is the metro “Můstek”.
Parking is not possible on site.

Transport from Hlavní nádraží (train - metro station C)

From Hlavní nádraží (metro C), take the red line to Muzem station and change to the yellow line, go to Můstek station, where you get off at “Jungmann Square”, from there it is a few steps to the Franciscan Garden.

Transport from the airport

Probably the fastest mode of transport, to the nearest metro station and then to the city center, are public transport bus lines 119, 100 and 191. The bus stops are located just in front of the arrival hall of Terminals 1 and 2.

Line No. 119 will transport passengers in 17 minutes to the Nádraží Veleslavín metro station on line A (green line), which leads directly to the center of Prague. Line No. 100 runs in the direction of “Zličín” (the journey takes about 16 minutes), where you can change to line B (yellow line). You can also get to “Můstek”. You will ascend the “Jungmann Square”, from here it is a few steps to the Franciscan Garden.